Course curriculum
NEW LESSON 2/14/21
- 1. Preparing straight human topper for client
- Nonsurgicalhairrelacement client topper
- unit under dry to preset! Use light foam
- 3.applying relaxer to clients hair to be left to blend with topper
- 4. Gently smooth relaxer 10 min
- 5. Shampoo hair with Neutralize shampoo and conditioner 3 times
- 6. Use a semi color rinse so hair matches topper perfectly. If needed then rinse ,shampoocondition
- 7. Color set for 20 min then rinse shampoo and condition
- 8. Use foam wrap to lay back and sides down then put under dry. 20 min. Place towel on top of head to stop direct heat.
- 9 . Place client under dry 20 mins now
- 10. Drying now complete
- 11. Shaving off top of hair Preparing for topper. Only shave area for topper
- 12. I use 100% or 70%alcohol to clean area that was shave
- 13. Area cleaned and totally shaped us small clippers please PEANUT CLIPPERS
- 15. Read for next step
- 16. This is severe hair loss. Will not come back
- 17.Makering the area for topper to fit perfectly Pay attention please
- 18. Applying my Adhesive to area that we marked . Stay inside circle please 🙏
- 19. Area completely covet with my nonsurgical hairrelacement water proof Adhesive. The Best
- 20. Place topper after Adhesive drys for mins. Watch carefully
- 21. Now topper is on. Place client under cool dry 15 mins
- 22. Topper is sealed tight
- 23. Look topper is sealed and ready for styling Looks very natural See the scalp. Wow is amazing
- 24. Topper is ready for the look my client wanted. Natural hairline is important for best look
- 25. Look very Natural
- 26. Natural can part anywhere
- 27. Client is styled and completely HAPPY 😊 . I LOVE 💘 WHAT I DO
- 28. Happy Client 😊
- 29. Showing client how to style her hair. She loves 💘 it
- 30 . Top angle
- 31. Side view
- 32. Watch the flow and naturalness in the hair topper
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